
This is a space featuring of all of the weeks worth of organizing done with #BlackFridays.

Each week offers different resources, videos, and insight into that week’s activities. #BlackFridays is an 8 week campaign. Check back to this page for updates as these weeks progress.


friday, OCT 5, 2018

We will be a show of force in the streets and in the halls of government, corporations, and institutions alike to say that we do not accept a country led by sexual abusers and their enablers.

We will show up to stop Kavanaugh, because we know our future depends on it. 


friday, Oct 12 2018

Womxn have power. The systems in this country depend on us—our work, our time, our bodies. When we refuse to take care of a system that doesn’t take care of us, we force those in power who benefit off of us to pay attention. Maybe not at first, but that is why we will come back.


FRIDAY, OCT 19 2018

Many of you have been sharing with us that since the Kavanaugh confirmation you feel even less safe than before. You have also told us that #BlackFridays help you feel stronger and connected. Taking action in the name of community and self defense will foster that feeling further.


friday, OCt 26 2018

Less than 2 weeks away from the most important midterm election in recent history. One thing is certain: our opponents are doing all they can to make sure we can't/don't vote. We refuse to be pushed into a corner of despair. We're disrupting the narrative of hopelessness and turning it action.


friday, NOV 2, 2018

One of the aims of white nationalism is to create a sense of individual isolation and disconnection. This Black Friday, we have an opportunity to disrupt by showing up and protecting each other through voting, volunteering, getting educated, and looking out for each other at the polls.



friday, NOV 9, 2018

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friday, NOV 16, 2018

This is a call to action that centers the Black, Indigenous, immigrant, LGBTQIA+ and working-class women that have always been the lifeblood to the very movements that have shaped our lives and history for the better. We are especially asking white women, cis men, wealthy progressives, and large institutions to step up by putting more on the line for all of us.


friday, NOV 23, 2018

october 5, 2018

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When this group of womxn came together to call on our sisters to rise up and disrupt business as usual every Friday from now through November 23, it was because we understood that this moment was always about so much more than Kavanaugh. 

What we are seeing now is what Indigenous People of this land have always said, that there is a dark and ugly truth behind the way the US Government is built to eradicate resistance, to demean, to consume, and ultimately, to dispose of the ravished bodies of womxn, poor people, immigrants, Natives, and anyone else bent on not upholding the white supremacist capitalism in place. We have known and felt the ugly truth that was exposed in Washington these past weeks that those in power will do anything to deny womxn our dignity, freedom and justice. Today we say: when they deny us, we will deny them—our labor, our service, our compliance. 

We are not stopping. Thousands of womxn have already signed the #BlackFridays call to action since it launched just a few days ago. We have worn black, walked out of work, and hosted actions or healing circles across the country on the first Black Friday of this season of sacred rage. 

And we will be back next week, and the week after that, until we become a show of force that cannot be ignored, from the streets to the voting booth to the workplace and beyond. We must continue to creatively inoculate ourselves from structural patriarchy, racism, economic systems that don’t equitably value our presence — together.

We’re in this for the long haul. This is one moment in a long path towards transformative change, and we will continue to build sustained, collective power that both dismantles systems of oppression and harm AND works to create new systems of inclusion and care. We organize toward the strongest possible outcome in the November elections -- and recognize that elections alone do not create meaningful change over the long run.

We look to our sisters here and around the world who have been at the forefront in the fight for democracy, freedom, equality, and justice for inspiration and guidance. Recently, the women-led Black Monday protests in Poland transformed the abortion laws in that country. And in Brazil, womxn's street actions are galvanizing the #NotHim movement against the far-wing candidate for President. The many movements led by and for womxn show us what is possible when we come together in ever increasing numbers, take escalating actions, withdraw our consent from the system, and provide care for each other. Just look at the teachers’ strikes in West Virginia earlier this year!

So on #BlackFridays, until 11/23, the holiest day of capitalism, the “shopping holiday” Black Friday, we will continue to disrupt the many places that give us the Kavanaughs, the Trumps, and the CEOs who harm us. The places where white supremacy, colonialism, patriarchy, and rape culture thrive. We will keep taking action where we live, walking out of our workplaces and schools and disrupting business as usual so we can transform our society.

Womxn have power. The systems in this country depend on us—our work, our time, our bodies. By taking action each week, we are showing the powers that be in this country that we will refuse to comply with those who demean, destroy, and erase us. When we refuse to take care of a system that doesn’t take care of us, we force those in power who benefit off of us to pay attention. Maybe not at first, but that is why we will come back every Friday. 

We encourage you to be visibly resistant so that our power is felt and heard. Creative disruption is not a one-size-fits-all but rather invites us to show up in ways that are authentic, unexpected and impactful. We encourage you to think out of the box, take risks and get noticed. 

We know how you choose to take risks will be relative to your social location, personal circumstances and ability. We ask all who are taking up the #BlackFridays call to consider your proximity to privilege and oppression and how that informs how you show up for our collective liberation. We invite you to consider your unique capacity to show up based on your location in relationship to systems of power/privilege and your responsibilities to care for yourself or others. What is it that you can risk? What consent or cooperation can you withhold? 

Finally, we repeat and reaffirm: We are committed to centering and holding space for Trans, Black, Indigenous and Brown womxn, womxn with disabilities, femmes, two-spirits, and gender non-conforming community members whose bodies carry generational trauma and sexual violation rooted in systemic oppression. 

*Womxn with an x, acknowledges the historical exclusion of gender expressions. We intentionally use x to hold intersectional space for individuals who identify as trans, genderfluid, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and non-binary people. “

october 12, 2018


The second Black Friday began with womxn* around the country sharing photos of their fly black outfits and continued with womxn exiting work, getting out the vote, or joining the law students as they walked out to demand Brett Kavanaugh be impeached.

Womxn came out in beautiful solidarity with the #MMIW Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s movement, who are working towards justice in the face of an epidemic of violence.

With next week's Black Friday, we go one step further, heeding the call to, in the words of Assata Shakur, love each other and protect each other.

On Oct 19, the third Black Friday, we will rise up and withhold our consent by investing in our own community care and self defense.

A big part of dismantling this horrible system that harms our collective well-being is building the social fabric between us that strengthens both our community and also us as individuals.

You'll hear about physical, psychological, economic, and political self defense. From tactics to defend ourselves from violence to shared experiences that can help us understand how to defend our inner sacred spaces from the bigotry and violence all around us, we’re bringing it all.

We’ll also talk specifically about how to turn community defense into a form of protest this coming Black Friday (and beyond!).

This is a special opportunity for a different kind of protest—and we hope you’ll join us and invite the womxn in your life to join too!

Many of you have been sharing with us that since the Kavanaugh confirmation you feel even less safe than before. You have also told us that #BlackFridays help you feel stronger and connected, and we hope taking action in the name of community and self defense will foster that feeling further.

october 19, 2018

A big part of dismantling this horrible system that harms our collective well-being is building the social fabric between us that strengthens both our community and also us as individuals.

On Tuesday, you'll hear about physical, psychological, economic, and political self defense. From tactics to defend ourselves from violence to shared experiences that can help us understand how to defend our inner sacred spaces from the bigotry and violence all around us, we’re bringing it all.

We’ll also talk specifically about how to turn community defense into a form of protest this coming Black Friday (and beyond!).

This is a special opportunity for a different kind of protest—and we hope you’ll join us and invite the womxn in your life to join too!

Many of you have been sharing with us that since the Kavanaugh confirmation you feel even less safe than before. You have also told us that #BlackFridays help you feel stronger and connected, and we hope taking action in the name of community and self defense will foster that feeling further.

october 26, 2018



  • Sample language:

    • I am voting for my mother who has worked and paid into the system every day in this country but is struggling to afford healthcare

    • I am voting for my family - I had to go back to work soon after having my baby because I didn’t have paid leave. That ain’t right!

Less than two weeks away from the most important midterm election in recent history, one thing is certain: our opponents are doing all they can to make sure we can't or don't vote. 

But we refuse to be pushed into a corner of despair or defense. This Black Friday, we're going to disrupt the current narrative of hopelessness and turn it into collective action. 

On Friday, October 26th, we will wear black and:


    • The opposition has spent so much time and money pushing us into a defensive narrative. We refuse to lose sight of what we are voting for.

    • On Fridays, we are asking everyone to make a 30-60sec video of yourself wearing black and explaining what and who you are voting for.


    • In a number of states you can vote early. We are asking womxn to show up to their polling places in black to vote early.

    • If you can’t vote early, you can still make your plan to vote on Nov 6.


    • The opposition is doing everything in their power to stop us and our communities from voting. So we are asking womxn everywhere to go out and volunteer on campaigns.

    • Check out our map here to find out where to volunteer or join events in your area.


    • #BlackFridays is a volunteer-led community. Please support this work and womxn of color’s leadership with a donation.

Don't forget to take a photo of you wearing black and taking action, and post it to social media. Make sure you use the hashtag #BlackFridays.

Anything can change and anything is possible in these last thirteen days if we fight for it, together. 

NOVEMBER 2, 2018

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View this post on Instagram

#blackfridays why I am voting...

A post shared by Brittany Williams (@msbritt_305) on

First of all, we want to extend love and solidarity to all who are hurting and suffering after this most recent wave of violence. We are with you. 

One of the aims of white nationalism is to create a sense of individual isolation and disconnection. This Black Friday, we have an opportunity to disrupt by showing up and protecting each other through voting, volunteering, getting educated, and looking out for each other at the polls. 

The midterms are just 6 days away. If we give it all we got, it can be the biggest day of action pushing back on Trump and Trumpism this year.  

On Friday, November 2, we will wear black and:

  • Vote and Volunteer for our future. If your state allows early voting, show up to your polling place in black and vote early. If not, make your plan to vote on Nov 6, or organize a voting squad that can go vote together.

  • Defend the vote. Get educated so you can disrupt voter intimidation and harassment. We have information on how in this week's toolkit here

  • Share the knowledge. We’re asking womxn to make a video to share what you’ve learned about how voters can protect themselves and each other in your state. We have script ideas for you here

Don't forget to take a photo of you wearing black and taking action, and post it to social media. Make sure you use the hashtag #BlackFridays.

NOVEMBER 16, 2018

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Last week’s election brought many signs of hope and concrete examples of what progressive change in unexpected places can look like.

However, in the first 24 hours following the election, the Trump administration made it clear that they are ready and willing to escalate their dismantling of the political and cultural norms and the laws that hold together our troubled democracy. As a more emboldened, unaccountable administration becomes more desperate, the authoritarian violence affected through policy will continue. 

It is no longer enough to show up at a rally in support of the fight against injustices happening around us. 

We must change the rules of engagement, not with power but with the people. If the system will not take care for us, it is our duty to care for each other.

Friday, November 16, can you take action to support communities that bear the brunt of interpersonal and institutional violence? Here's three ways you can help:

  1. Engage in Active Listening: Actively listen to and follow the leadership of vulnerable communities who are traumatically witnessing and experiencing the brunt of this administration’s policies and hate-filled acts of violence. Follow the #WeKeepUsSafe campaign and join the Twitterchat on Friday at 1:00 PM ET  to hear directly from the undocumented, Indigenous, Black, Trans+, differently-abled, and asylum-seeking community members’ voices. 

  2. Radical Care: It is time for us to show up in support of vulnerable communities by sharing resources, and building real safety nets of protection on their (communities most impacted by Trump) terms. Sign up as a sponsor to support families seeking asylum in the US. 

  3. Direct Support: The best way to support vulnerable communities is to directly support individuals, organizers, and small community groups by giving directly to them. Direct support is a way for us to funnel resources to vulnerable communities without relying on a system that seeks to harm them. Mutual aid is a thing of beauty. Click here to donate directly to organizers on the ground.